
Chigasaki Style: Riding to Glory…Indoors!!

茅ヶ崎店【閉店しました】】Sakai Naoki 18年12月08日

Merry Christmas all!  As the cool winter days continue on, if the weather turns for the worst, and it is impossible to ride, what do you do?  Wait for a better day?  Perhaps there is another idea?  There is!  How about trying an Elite Qubo Digital Smart B+ trainer?  


It's an easy set up, just replace your rear quick release, put in the Elite release which fits just like your regular one, and hook up to the roller. It locks in upright, and ready to ride.


To make the ride even more entertaining and fun, is to hook it up to the online Zwift app, where you can connect by Ant+, FE-C and Bluetooth, and ride as your avatar flows with other bikers on computer, ipad or ipod.


Training applications allow you to profile yourself, give yourself an avatar, adjust to your riding level, give rider reports and other goodies like routes and roads to ride to virtually cycle against great competition or have social rides and structured workouts, all set to your desire.  


Here at Y's Road Chigasaki, we have the Elite Qubo set up with bicycle and Ipad for demonstration with the Zwift application.  Please come by and try it out.  We have the information of requirements and/or accessories required to set up Zwift with the Elite Qubo. In addition, there is a full line of bicycles and accessories to view, and December 8 and 9, demonstration model wheels from Mavic to try out!  Enjoy the Christmas season, and come on out to Chigasaki, catch the fresh air off the ocean, and have a good day!   


The Elite Qubo Digital Smart B+ sells for 52,200 yen+TAX.   Will Santa bring you one? :)



